Libby Peerspectives

Beginning Spring 2024 Libby area CEOs and business owners will have a new opportunity to advance their leadership skills, improve decision-making and have more dedicated time to work on their business with a PeerSpectives Roundtable. Through monthly meetings with non-competing peers, business leaders will have the ability to discuss sensitive business challenges and receive solutions that can be put into practice the same day.

PeerSpectives® is a roundtable system for CEOs, owners, and leaders of companies. PeerSpectives® provides a forum where participants can improve decision-making, enhance leadership abilities, confidentially share challenges and experiences with their peers, and advance their network and capabilities as organizational leaders. Developed by the Edward Lowe Foundation, Montana West Economic Development offers the only licensed PeerSpectives® roundtables in Montana.


This project is supported by The LOR Foundation.

Who Should Join PeerSpectives?

PeerSpectives benefits entrepreneurs and business leaders who are looking for more dedicated time to work on their business and improve their decision-making through support and connection with other dedicated peers. Roundtable participants say they receive ideas on everything from marketing strategy and financial issues to dealing with difficult personnel problems. The roundtables also create accountability for oneself and strong bonds among group members.

What Sets Peerspectives Apart?

• Trained facilitators.
• Structured protocol that ensures balanced discussion and releases the group genius.
• Experience sharing rather than advice giving.
• Confidential setting.
• In-Room learning and accountability.
• Participants come from non-competing industries.

What to Expect

Time commitment: Roundtable sessions typically last two to three hours and are held in-person on a monthly basis.
Cost: A limited number of complimentary scholarships are available to Libby business owners thanks to the LOR Foundation. Costs for this program are normally between $500-1000 for a year.
Benefits: The ability to discuss sensitive business challenges with peers who know what you’re going through; just-in-time solutions you can put into practice the same day.
Ground rules: Confidentiality is essential. What’s said in PeerSpectives stays in PeerSpectives. Participants share experiences, but don’t give advice.

“PeerSpectives is hands-down one of the best resources I’ve found as a CEO in a small market. The insights I’ve gained from my PeerSpectives group are timely, relevant, and reassuring. It’s a safe place to ask the questions you can’t ask employees or friendly competitors. That, and I’ve met some amazing people in the group who I now count as good friends.” – Courtenay Sprunger, CEO of Big Sky PR


Join PeerSpectives

A new cohort of PeerSpectives will launch in Libby in Spring 2024. APPLY TODAY! Only a couple spots remain. Please complete the form below to apply.

Contact with any questions.

2024 Libby PeerSpectives Application Form


Number of Employees

Annual Sales

Applicant Agreement
If selected for the cohort I agree to fully participate in the PeerSpectives Program and commit to attending monthly meetings through January 2025.